I'm sure many of you have in fact heard of the tragic death of Megan Meier. It has been widely reported throughout the news. She's the poor girl who was pushed to suicide by her neighbor's mother using the popular website MySpace. But there's more to this story than meets the eye.
Here's what everyone knows: Megan Meier had been talking to a boy online who she confided in. The boy changed tone, becoming mean, and Megan killed herself as a result. In the next few days, the world learned that this boy had actually been a girl's mother from across the neighborhood. Realizing the power of the internet, many immediately called for further restrictions on social networking sites. But, in the context of current political affairs, we can see the obvious truth in this seemingly simple story.
The events of September 11th, 2001 proved to the people of the world that the United States government had no problem killing the innocent as a means to gain more power over their people. The death of Megan Meier was a similar tragedy. The accused mother in this tragedy has repeated time and time again she is innocent. It's quite obvious—the government did it.
9/11 led to a massive increase in government power in tracking us during our everyday lives. The PATRIOT Act is probably the best known example of this. Further intrusions include a proposed National ID Card. The death of Megan Meier is similar. Parents fear for their children online. They've seen Chris Hanson, they know of the sexual predators. Now they've seen how powerful MySpace can be to young minds. The people have been convinced they're willing to give up their rights online to protect their children. Don't fall for it. Know the truth.
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